In the fall of 2016, Huge launched the “Form Your Future” campaign with the National College Access Network (NCAN) to help students get money for college.
Nationally, only 45 percent of high school seniors complete the form before high school graduation. In 2014, one analysis found that about 1.4 million students missed out on $2.7 billion in financial aid by not filling out the free online form.
The Form Your Future campaign is specifically focused on assisting low-income, minority students who would be the first in their family to attend college. They are less likely to apply for financial aid, even though they could benefit from it most.
In addition to social media content, the campaign also has a website (, which includes downloadable toolkits to help teachers, parents, counselors and other supporters get educated about the FAFSA process, spread the word about the campaign, and host a FAFSA completion event.
I was the insights lead and marketing strategist for the campaign, outlining a two-pronged approach to reach our target audiences - students and those who support them - to inspire direct action to increase FAFSA completion rates nationwide.